L'ren's Flight and Store Opening

Ierne Weyrhold - Marketplace(#9795RJ)

A wide square full of shops and stores and sidewalk vendors of all types. Mostly Traders who specialise in certain items or Crafters who wanted a place in which to market their wares. Due to the WeyrHold being a major trade center, its an ideal place for something like this, open all turn round rather then just people selling during gathers.

L'ren is up on a ladder on this fine morning, adjusting a large sign over a recently renovated storefront. It reads, "Book Palce", error and all. He doesn't appear to notice this though, he's just fiddling with it. It's fine, really. There's no reason, beyond the error, for him to be up there at all. Though, in the courtyard below, there does appear to be a glowing green dragon, just now waking and stre-e-e-etching slowly. It takes Reonth a moment to properly wake, but already she's looking around the marketplace, looking for something, or someone.

Aoriya is eagerly waiting for the store to open. "Heeeeey! When do you guys open up? I thought it was today!" Aoriya whines. Omasuth swivels to regard his rider, then his flaming muzzle and head turn to regard Reonth. His rider oblivious, the brown croons winningly at the waking, stretching Reonth.

L'ton seems to be browsing the marketplace, going in here, lingering for a while, before reemerging empty handed just to head into another store, with little more luck. He's continuing this practice through many of the stores, til he's next door to the unopened shop. Upon emerging still with no success, he happens to lift his gaze as he spots the ladder, blinking at the sign, before a slow smile crosses his face. "Perfect." He murmurs to himself, only for the smile to disappear when he realizes that, despite the sign, the store is not quite a reality. Shards. Dhonzayth has chosen, meanwhile, to wait out his rider's seemingly pointless shopping tour, for he's settled out of the general flow of the marketplace, waiting, and crooning now and then to those, dragon and human who pass by. Including a longer croon to Reonth as the green stretches and awakens.

Erisith's skeletal thin form is just losing its last small crate, and he gives his wings a flex and his long slender wings a stretch as his rider, R'aul, carries the cargo over to the post office and finally returns. "That's it for the day," he says to his blue, grinning broadly. "How 'bout we enjoy this fine weather before returning to 'Reaches, huh, Eri?" He laughs, giving the square a look around. "And the sights, of course. Come on, buddy." The blue doesn't look too thrilled, his whirling eyes having noticed the glowing green before they even landed, but he complies with his rider, slithering close to the shadows of the buildings as they head closer in the direction of the bookstore.

Kai comes along with her shopping basket. It's a nice morning. New store going in! She grins, watches the sign going up…reads the sign again…reads the sign again. She clears her throat and looks around. She sees her new friend L'ton. "Hey, L'ton. How you doing this morning?" Then she tilts her head up towards the sign.

Reonth ignores her rider up on the ladder, even stopping her investigative scan of the marketplace, in favour of interrogating, er, /making conversation/ with the male dragons nearby. «So, how about that water? Ierne has the best beaches around, don't you think? Isn't my hide wonderful? Particularly the ocean green hues, wouldn't you agree?» she fires the whole lot at each, seemingly oblivious to the rapid nature of her questioning. L'ren is a little preoccupied with the sign, but the question from below does draw his attention, and he slides dangerously down the ladder to the ground, rushing over to greet people. "Ah, ah, it opens this afternoon, you're all welcome to wait, or to come back later, or to…" he gulps and trails off, noticing Reonth, and the attention she's gathering. "Erm, hmm, well, won't miss the opening at least." he murmurs, though it's of little comfort.

Kai smiles. "Thank you!" she calls up to the man putting up the sign.

Omasuth croons happily towards Reonth, moving so that he's standing closer to Reonth than Dhonzayth. «The weather is divine my lovely lady. Your hide is as radient as the rising sun through spring colored window glass. The ocean hues stand out as bright as a beautiful summer day in Ista. You are beautiful.» Hopefully, flattery will get one everywhere. Including Reonth in his claws. The brown cocks his head cutely at Reonth, his eyes slowly turning the color of purest red wine.

"Better than Ah was… Ah think.." L'ton offers softly to Kai as she wanders over, "Maybe.." He adds as an afterthought, still seemingly not sure. But his gaze is still settled on the sign as the gears seem to continue turning. "Thanks.." He offers, turning to eye the rest of the shops, though with a still rather crestfallen expression. Will this afternoon be soon enough? Dhonzayth is content to wait his turn, as the other males are quick to rumble off answers to this and that. « The water would be wonderful, if you t'were in it, my green. Tis lacking, as it is now. » Pale bronze wings are extended as he settles back on his haunches, though his wingspan is held in check to avoid causing any accidents for those walking nearby.

R'aul flexes his arms up over his head as he comes near the group, grinning up to the sign now. "Just opening? Well, it seems like you'll start off your business with a bang. Or a flight. Same thing." He laughs to himself. The moody Erisith, however, remains in the darker shadows. His hide helps with keeping him hidden, though he is quite long and thin for a blue, almost sickly looking with a faint yellow trails around his darker limbs and the underside of his wide wings. His eyes look sunken, but they still whirl red at the green. His mental voice is actually soft and melodious as he coos back towards the green. «Absolutely gorgeous, my dear.» Few for words, obviously, but at least he was trying to be charming.

Reonth snorts, and shakes her head, not apparently caring in the slightest what the males answer to her own questions. Her mood today seems as harsh and changeable as the sea she loves so much. No, she's reacting to -something else-, and it's enough to make her rear up onto her hind legs and flare out her wings, if only for a moment. She settles back down, and down, until she's crouching… And then she springs into action, flying eastwards, into the morning sun. That'll throw those chasers off! Plus, that's also the direction of that beach she was on about earlier. L'ren is left staring after the green, and shaking his head. "I, ah… Book store, open, afternoon… Erm, yeah…" he steps back to lean against the wall of the "Book Palce" - still not noticing the sign's error.

Omasuth takes off after Reonth, firey sails opening with a snap. Then he's off after Reonth, croooning a melody to the green, coaxing tones bubbling from his throat. "Oh, sure, but umm…… there's a problem with your sign." Aoriya starts to turn red. "Oh flaming Faranth." She mumbles, eyes widening and then blanking slightly. Omasuth is already long gone, and the rising blush in her ears is a sure indication that Aoriya knows where.

Dhonzayth doesn't seem too bothered by the unfavorable response of the green, instead just snorting, remaining with his wings partially unfurled amidst the marketplace. As the green's mood seems to change like the weather, the bronze watches her with a large, faceted eye, particularly at her false start. And then, suddenly she's off, and Dhonzayth is left to 'run' at an awkward gait on all fours to the adjoining courtyard to have to the room to take off after the fleeing green, less L'ren's precious sign or one of the stalls fall as a casualty to his wings. Finally, though, the bronze is in the air and headed eastward to the beach, and the green as she rushes out to sea with the retreating waves. L'ton spirals even as Dhonzayth is making way for a more open area, jaw dropping, before he turns to look back at L'ren with what might be akin to fear on his face. Double shards.

Erisith did not move his eyes away from the green for a moment, and as soon as she took off the thin blue wass quick to react. his large wings unfurl before he pushes off the ground. Even if his limbs were thin, they were definitely well muscled as the push takes him high up in the air. His wings beat down a few times before he twists gracefully and heads in the direction of the green with a loud musical warble. He, of course, dares to snap at any male that gets in his way as he starts off on the chase. R'aul is happy to beam after his blue, waving his arms in the air. "Go get 'er, Eri!" He chuckles, turning back his unfocusing eyes to the greenrider. "Open, sure. Maybe the customers will find a surprise…" And he leers towards L'ren, but doesn't move closer. Yet.

L'ren is still leaning firmly against the store's wall, for support more than anything else. "S-sign?" he blinks, looking upwards. He can't read it from this angle, but he can make out just enough of what he can see to gather that it's wrong. "Ah, shards, shard it all." he mutters, peering back to the marketplace for a distraction. "Oh, hey, we've met before, haven't we?" he asks to L'ton, though Reonth is tugging at his mind already, distracting him, pulling him upwards, and then back down, quite disorienting. "Er, surprise? Oh, /shards/." Yes, the other shoe just dropped, this is a /flight/. "I, ah, oh dear…" he looks about, where to run, where to run? Reonth is, meanwhile, flying very straight and true, directly into the sun, and out to sea, ignoring her chasers utterly.

Kai looks over ar the other rider and catches his expression. Ew…is that how they look at her when her dragon, Abeytuth, is in the mood? She cringes and turns away. "I'll be back later," she says to L'ton and heads back for home.

Omasuth sails in a straight line after Reonth. He reaches cruising altitude above the green, using good old brown endurance, balence, and patience to pursue her. His hide burns like fire in the sunshine, his eyes whirl with blazing, burning burgundy. Every so often, a lyrical, gentle croon makes an overture to the beautiful lady. Like the B-12 bombers of old, he beats for altitude, cruising with steady precision. Aoriya watches L'ren intently, a suntanned raven haired feline regarding a bird to decide the best angle from which to pounce.

L'ton continues to stare after Dhonzayth, Reonth, and the other chasing males, biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut, before slowly counting under his breathe to himself. When he gets to 10 and opens his eyes, everything will be back to normal, won't it? At the count of ten, he slowly opens his eyes, only to have everything exactly as it was aside from Kai having fled. And then L'ren's voice is interrupting his thoughts, and he turns to blink at the older man. "Uh.. yeah.. We-We have." But L'ton's not exactly forthcoming in reminding L'ren where exactly they met previously. Yet, he is willing to go find somewhere to lean, to watch L'ren until the man flees, and the Istan is stuck chasing much like his dragon.

R'aul takes a few cautious steps closer, moving in the direction of the store's wall, getting parallel with the greenrider. The sign mistake is completely ignored himself, as he is within his blue's mind instead. He doesn't match his lifemate's movements, though, as the blue sweeps his wings strongly, flying high, and then let himself glide down. All the while his limbs are tucked in, his long body slicing through the air after the green, his only target. His first warble is joined by more, a musical piece lost to the vicious winds as he continues pushing foward. "What'd you think it was?" R'aul chuckles again, lowly, as he comes back to himself for a moment.

Reonth can't keep the steady pace forever, but she does try her best to blind her poor chasers before ultimately veering off. It's a sharp dive when she finally does, followed by a long sweeping climb to a higher altitude than before. She's showing no signs of it yet, but she can't last much longer, her slow climb is proof enough of that. L'ren is drifting in and out, nodding absently at L'ton, "Er, shame we couldn't meet in better circumstances," he manages. He does finally seem to come around, realising the public marketplace is /no/ place for a flight. "I, ah…" he begins, then just slams the store door open and runs in. That's nice. Well, at least he left it open this time.

Aoriya follows L'ren into the shop. "Better not do this….. here in…. the open." Aoriya mumbles. Omasuth just focuses on gaining altitude, keeping the green in sight the whole time. His head ducks down briefly in response to the sun, he only veers aside when Reonth does. He continues to croon and creel and make loving and adoring overtures to the green he chases.

Dhonzayth is left pursuing at a slightly odd angle, not directly after the rushing green, but merely slightly to one direction, in an attempt to avoid being totally blinded by the morning rays of Rukbat. With the cool air over the water, there are few thermals to help him in his cause, and instead he's left to labor upwards under his own power towards Reonth's new altitude, having made no attempt to even consider mimicking her sharp dive that takes her so near the waves that at times resemble her hide. While the bronze is not yet straining - as his larger size grants him greater stamina in the air - he seems to be watching the green with interest, limiting his unnecessary stunts to prevent tiring his larger mass before the catch is made. L'ton starts to respond to L'ren, perhaps to reassure him, yet the man is suddenly disappearing. After a long moment, and some intense consideration, L'ton is headed into the store after L'ren.

Erisith has done better in the open light, but he doesn't back down, even when he pauses in his composition to hiss bitterly at the sunlight. Oh, but it won't stop him… even if the green is still out of reach. He focuses on her movements instead, his wings dipping sharply to follow her when she veers off and his fiercely whirling eyes blink several times. It is then that he resumes the warbling serenade to the ocean-loving green, as he takes the opportunity to delve into his reserves to push harder, faster, and keeping one even height even as the green goes into some aerobatic moves. R'aul is one of the first to follow as well after the rider, darting away from the side of the store and through the open doorway with a toothy grin.

Reonth now seems to /really/ notice her chasers, snarling at them all of a sudden, and pushing herself to her absolute limit, up, and up, and up, aaand up, slowing with every wingbeat. Finally, she's pushed too hard, her upwards climb becomes level for a dragonlength, then her path begins to droop, more like a slow downwards glide now. She cries out with frustration, bugling fiercely, and lashing her tail. «I don't /want/ to be caught! Go away!»

« The ocean is not worthy of one such as you.. » Dhonzayth retorts as he continues to pursue her, larger wings edging him closer with each beat, letting him be close as she begins to fall. Even as her strength begins to fade, Dhonzayth seems to increase, only for a moment, as he's angling to hover above her, matching her downward glide for a moment before attempting to snag her to himself with neck and talons, avoiding the frustrated lashing of her tail. Will luck shine upon him, even as Rukbat does?

Omasuth croons lovingly, reassuringly. But he does not answer Reonth's protest of not wanting to be caught. The brown powers his way forwards, turning into a bolt of pure flame as he lances his way towards the green, bugling coaxingly to her as he shoots forwards for the catch, forelimbs straining. Every curl of his neck, limbs, back, hips, tail is focused on one effort, capture Reonth.

Erisith answers her snarl with a gentle croon from deep in his throat, deep and brassy that still carries her way unlike his previous attempts. He dips to one side, skimming past another suitor, whipping his thin tail with a crack at the other male before starting the ascent to match Reonth's, trying to intercept her when she will eventually fall. He finally pulls his forelegs away from his body, reaching out towards the gliding green, only focusing upon her and ignoring all others. «Everyone needs to be caught when they fall, my dear,» he calls gently out to her, hoping that his outstretched limbs could reach her first.

Reonth wavers between pushing herself as hard as she can, and surrendering. In the end it's the latter, though not by choice, nor does she surrender lightly, no, she struggles with every bit of energy she can muster… Which isn't all that much, that's why she was able to be caught in the first place. In the end, it's Dhonzayth, coming in from above and avoiding her thrashing tail, and now the brief flailing of her legs. It takes barely a moment before she relaxes and gives herself over to the bronze, the one who'd won her once before, her temper calmed, for the moment.

MATING FLIGHTS> Congratulations, Dhonzayth just won Reonth's flight. Flight data has been recorded.
MATING FLIGHTS> Ysa's Attendance at Reonth's flight has been recorded.
MATING FLIGHTS> Aoriya's Attendance at Reonth's flight has been recorded.
MATING FLIGHTS> L'ton's Attendance at Reonth's flight has been recorded.

Omasuth goes shooting past Reonth and Dhonzayth with a low growl of irritation before he recovers, doing a long U turn before heading back to shore. Oh well, there will be another day.

Dhonzayth steadies himself, and Reonth, even as she thrashes and attempts to escape. Yet, after the brief rebellion, he keeps his wings open, and supports the two of them above the waves of the ocean below.

Erisith didn't make it in time, and cuts himself off from vocalizing his failure as he makes a sharp turn and head back towards the marketplace where his rider will be waiting for him shortly.

Ierne Weyrhold - Book Place(#7619RJ)

The door swings easily on its hinges, at last, and the walls are painted brightly in blue, except for one corner, which is yellow. The floor matches the walls, blue carpet for the majority, but yellow tiling in that one corner. The windows are sparklingly clean, the shutters long since repaired and painted the same this-paint-was-on-special blue as the interior. Glows are scattered throughout the store, seemingly randomly, providing a homey atmosphere, as well as a casual one.

The store counter is by the door, no-one gets in or out without passing it, and it has a good view of the rest of the store. The rest of the front half of the store - front two thirds, actually - is taken up by rows and rows of blue shelving, one half carrying brand spanking new books, and the other carrying the loaner books, very much a 'pre-loved' set. The yellow corner in back has another counter, also yellow, with a cheery klah pitcher, and an assortment of pastries. To get to the counter, one must pass the tables and chairs also scattered in this area, which is clearly delineated and separated from the book section. The opposite back corner is more cosy, sea-green pillows strewn about, and big, soft, comfy chairs, as well as dimmer glows.

L'ren doesn't appear to have left the store, though he does look to have been very hastily clothed, and he's a bit red-faced. There's still a curtain drawn around the rear corner, the one with the cushions and chairs, not the one with the klah and drinks. He's standing by the open door, chatting with a much younger looking version of himself, right down to the glasses. "I, ah, didn't see J'iel, ahem, earlier… Have you seen her?" L'ren is asking, with a frown. Borren, the younger man, just shakes his head.

L'ton seems to have decided to link behind the drawn curtain in the corner, taking a long one while to compose himself before sneaking out when he hopes no one will notice, tugging on his shirt to ensure that it looks okay, hair just as messy as it normally is. No one is going to notice he's not one of those passing in by the front door, right?

Kagora pushes silently into the store, moving to a section with weavercraft books, picking through them. "I need a teaching manual for……. oh perfect. I can use this to teach classes." She says with a nod. "I think I have enough. Oh yes, enough for this book and something exciting to read." Then she spots L'ton. "Oh, you're L'ton right?" Okay, maybe ambushing a sneaking bronzerider trying to escape detection is a bad thing. "My sister Aoriya told me about you."

Ysa makes her way into the book store, unable to resist a party at all, even if she weren't allowed to drink. Or the fact that she looks uncomfortable walking outside at all today, with the big belly and all. Her hair is a bit messier than usual, and she's yawning. Probably slept in late… "Somehow I still hoped for a later opening, L'ren," she says to the greenrider, and then grins at him, looking him up and down. "Ella tells me it was an exciting morning," she starts. Her green eyes turn away from the Weyrlord to find L'ton and others already gathering.

L'ren shakes his head at Ysa, "Exciting, one way of putting it…" It seems as though he'd changed his mind on the no alcohol thing, as the klah corner doesn't just have klah, today. Won't be a regular thing, of course. L'ren looks around the store idly, blushing a bit as he notices L'ton, though, he does want to be a good store owner… So, over he heads, noting to Kagora as he passes, "Ah, we also do lending, if you don't have enough marks." he points to the section of older books, /pre-loved/, as he would put it. And then, there's L'ton… "I, ah, you were looking for a store, before?" his tone indicates he's asking, though he certainly didn't phrase it like a question. "Maybe books? We do books, we have books, lots of books…" he stammers a little, with a feeble smile.

L'ton stares at Kagora with wide eyes as she approaches him, seemingly drawn like a moth to the flame, opening his mouth to start to stutter a response. But then he's saved by L'ren's interruption, and he hurriedly nods his head. "For my We- Er… for Sris. Ya.. Ya gave her a book once. She seemed ta really like it. Ah.. Ah thought she'd be happy with another." Not that he has any clue what he's really looking for. Gaze flicks over L'ren's shoulder to the pregnant Ysa, before he's looking back at L'ren, stealing nervous glances Kagora's way, as a hand ruffles his hair more thoroughly.

Kagora smiles warmly at L'ton. "Funny, you don't look like a ninnering adle brained yellow sissy." Just /what/ has Aoriya been saying about L'ton? "I'm Kagora. Nice to meet you. I'm the apprenticemaster at the Weaverhall." She waves a thank you to L'ren. "Thanks!" She chirps with the warmest smile.

Ysa wobbles over to the bronzerider as well when L'ren decides to play host to them. She's not being left back there. And it's not like she has much interest in the books at the moment. "Hi, L'ton," she says softly, eyes turning from him to the greenrider curiously. "How've ya been?" Kagora's comment gets a raised brow but she can't help the soft snicker before turning back to the bronzer. Nope, she hasn't heard any recent news. At least, yet. "I see ya went with the booze at the end," she says back to L'ren, her grin fading a bit. Not like she could really appreciate it.

L'ren just… blushes. "Oh, oh, right. Book. We do books." he repeats, in the same tone as before. He's just a little thrown, and Reonth is a safe bet as to the cause. "I, uh, I think it was a children's book, about … sea creatures, probably… I have odd taste in books shortly before Reonth rises, and I was done with it then, so," has he revealed too much? He blushes, then hurries over to the children's section, waving L'ton over. "Ah, anyway… Lots of lovely books here, this author is /very/ good," he picks out a brightly coloured book, thrusts it at L'ton, then hurries off to do something … very important. Really. Like talking to Ysa about alcohol. Excellent, one man who doesn't drink, and one pregnant woman who /can't/ drink. "Ah, well, my sister got me this ale as a gag gift for my turnday, few days ago." he grimaces. It's a gag because he doesn't drink, and it's actually quite good stuff.

L'ton isn't hit, or punched, or anyway attacked by Kagora? The bronzerider's gaze turns more fully to Kagora, and he just stares at her again, mouth opening and closing but no words coming out. "T-Thanks?" He comments finally, still not really sure how he's suppose to react to that. And then Ysa's there as well, and he turns to nod at her, giving her a bit of a smile. "Ah owe your weyrmate one." One what, he doesn't specify, but from the tone of his voice, its not a good thing. However, there is a look to Ysa of 'I'll explain more later. In private'. The indicated books are examined for a moment, and then as L'ren hurries back to talk to the others, L'ton takes a moment to look outside. And the his jaw drops, and he's quickly excusing himself. "Ah didn't realize how sharding /late/ it was." And if its afternoon at Ierne, that's bad news if he was suppose to be at Ista in the early evening. No book is with him for now, but he'll be back, even if he's bolting to Dhonzayth right now.

Kagora watches L'ton go. "Was it something I said?" She asks with a warm grin. Then she turns to L'ren. "Hi, I was wondering if you had any of the basic textbooks for Weaver apprentices? We had a pipe leak wreak havoc on our library, so we're missing several apprentice volumes." She says sheepishly. Havoc that had every weaver in the hall exhausted according to gossip.

Ysa doesn't seem particularly interested in the book talk between the two other riders, but L'ren's odd tastes do get a brow raised. "Reonth rising affects your choice in books? I had no idea… I never get /that/ affected when Ella goes up." Little does she know… L'ton's comment makes the goldrider purse her lips out thoughtfully, but she doesn't question, especially after his look. Instead, she turns back to the others still there, blinking. "I don't think it was," she assures Kagora, and then shrugs. "Your sister is the one that makes Tanner's Friend, the ale, right?" This is towards L'ren, of course, with a quirk of her lips. "Did ya get anythink from the bakers or R'miel to snack on?" Now her attention is drifting back towards the back room, though her nose wrinkles at the alcohol.

L'ren frowns a little at Kagora, then waves Borren over. "Borren will show you where the craft books are, though we wouldn't carry anything higher than apprentice level… That's the crafthall's job." Which kind of sucks if there's a mishap with the crafthall's library, but that's the way it is… "If anyone has any good copies, harper hall has printing presses?" he suggests, with a shrug. L'ton dashes out, leaving L'ren blushing again, but he shakes his head and answers Ysa instead, "Ah, yes, that's the one. The ale. There's also several wines, and a variety of juices, teas, klahs, and quite a selection of pastries, both savoury and sweet… Only going to open the store once, might as well do it /right/." he notes, with a proud smile.

Chet must have smelled the food, for she enters with her nose first, and immediately gravitates towards it. She addresses no one before digging in, helping herself to the sweet pastries as well as some of the juice. Once her first objective is taken care of, it occurs to her that she should be sociable. With her cheeks bulging, she glances around the room, noticing the books. She swallows quickly, and manages to mutter, "So, this is the grand opening?"

Kagora nods to L'ren. "Apprentice books are what I was after, thank you. And Harper Hall is my stop tomorrow. I have a question to ask them in the first place." Kagora agrees as she makes her way for the food. A couple of sweet pastries later and she's browsing the history books, moving towards the novels as she goes.

"I must ask ya to get me a lot of that ale from her when this is all over," Ysa tells the greenrider with a gentle pat to her very round belly, leaving it there as she looks back towards the back area. Pastries… even though she has to smell klah, which seems to make her look ill, she'll still brave it, waddling slowly that way to take a plate with a few round pastries and a glass of water. She tilts her head up to Chet, staring at her a long moment as she eats one of her pastries before replying. "It is. L'ren's been working on this place for months now… actually, I think since the beginning of my pregnancy, too." And by the size of her, it was drawing to an end, to give them the idea of how long it's been.

Chet takes a bite from the next pastry as she nods. "Wow, that's a lot of work! It looks like there's a great collection you've got here," she says, glancing towards L'ren. "Any good cook books?" She examines Ysa's belly a little more intently. "You musn't be too far from it, from the looks of you. Have you picked any names?" As she spies Kagora approaching the table of food, she makes a recommendation, "Try the ones with the nuts in them. They're good!"

Kagora looks up and snags a couple of the nut pastries reccomended, "Sure I'll try one." The weaver master nibbles on one, very much like the squirrels of old Earth. "I'm Kagora, Apprenticemaster at the Weaverhall." Kagora introduces herself to Chet.

"You should've seen the place when he got it," Ysa tells Chet, though she's looking around the store now, as if remembering the mess it was before. "Place was falling apart." And she's back to munching hungrily on a pastry, nearly stuffing the whole thing in her mouth before she turns green eyes onto Chet, surprised by her question. Once her mouth is cleared, and washed down with some water, she answers, "Not long. We have a few names, I think Lyram is the one for a boy an' a few for a girl." Kagora gets a nod, even though she introduced herself to the bluerider instead and she addresses the two of them this time: "'m Ysa, Ellamariseth's."

Chet flashes Kagora and Ysa each a sugary grin and a nod, and after a sip from her juice she offers her name, "The name's Chet. I'm the property of the big blue outside. He's Aeskath. It's a pleasure to meet both of you." She starts on her third pastry, and nods at the baby name. "Lyram, I like that. Where did you come up with it?" She suddenly realizes how sticky her hands have become, and checks around the table for a cloth, licking her fingers as she searches.

Kagora spots sticky licking fingers, and snatches a napkin before offering it to Chet. "Looking for this?" She nods. "Which Weyr? My little sister rides brown. She's a pretty rough and tumble sort. I've never seen a woman with stronger arms."

L'ren has been helping other customers, busy busy busy, as has Borren. Finally, the older man stops to take a breather, heading straight for the back of the store for a big ol' mug of klah and a meat-filled pastry. "I never anticipated this to be so much work, I thought just renovating and stocking the place was hard enough! The chairs were flimsy, the place smelt a million years old, the sharding /sign/ is wrong," It reads 'Book Palce' instead of 'Book Place' "but none of that compares to having customers."

"Well met," Ysa tells the bluerider, picking up another pastry from her plate. "My weyrmate came up with it, from our old names, Lysithea an' Ramiel." Lots of letters to play with there. She shrugs her shoulder and takes a nibble this time. "'m not too creative so it's alright, I s'pose…" Her attention is distracted by the arrival of the greenrider again. "I noticed that," she mentions about the sign. "It can either be Book Place or Palace now." She chuckles softly, and finishes off all her food, only to turn back to the table for more. She was hungry! It was technically her breakfast, anyways.

Chet erupts in giggles for only a moment, and nods at L'ren. "I wasn't going to say anything about the sign, but I sure wondered." She pauses to scan the books, reaching out for one that grabs her interest. Then her attention turns to Kagora. "We're from Igen. I hate to say it, but I miss the sand already." She sets her glass on the table to reach a meat-filled pastry of her own. "Ah, I'm not sure why my parents named me Conchetta. They always change the subject when I ask about it." Back to the book, she turns to L'ren, "How much for this book?"

Kagora brightens. "My sister Aoriya flies with Igen!" She says, smile becoming a huge grin. "Brown Omasuth's. She flies with their crafter wing!" Kagora exclaims. "Wow, small Pern." She says with a friendly sparkle in her eyes.

L'ren grins at Ysa, glancing out to the marketplace idly. "Book palace doesn't sound too bad actually, better than palce. What is that anyway? Palce?" he snorts, but manages to see the funny side at least. Chet's book is glanced at, and L'ren tilts his head. "Ah, that. Good choice, ah, a half-mark." he nods, thinking that a good price. "Ah, Conchetta? My parents named me Lamren. A mix of Amare and L'lon, my parents names." he notes with a grimace, dipping into the conversation. "Been L'ren ever since Reonth hatched, though."

Ysa reaches for more of the sweeter snacks, piling a few more onto her plate before she decides she has enough to satisfy herself. "Conchetta? Nothing wrong with the name at all, why'd they avoid it? I find that mashing names together is an easy way of coming up with something." Even though she was bad at it herself… She takes a moment to drift into silence as she fills her mouth again, but she quirks a smile towards L'ren. "There's another good mash of names. Lyram.. sometimes sounds like it's missing something. But we both agree with it."

The door swings open and a liitle part of the dragonrider who made it happpen wished that there was a little bell or something. Call her a little strange, but that's how it is. M'iken peeks inside and smiles brightly, glad she hasn't missed the party entirely. "Well, isn't this a good gathering you've got going here." She says, same bright smile still in place, taking the whole sight in and likeing what she ses.

Chet nibbles at the meaty center, eyes glancing away as she registers the name Kagora mentions. "She sounds familiar. I'm sure I'd remember if I saw her." She eyes the doorway as M'iken enters, and can't help but grin herself once more. "Yes, I didn't mind the name so much, but it drives me nuts that they never would tell me anything about it. Mashing names comes up with some really pretty names, too, from what I've seen. But it was a mouthful during Weyrlinghood, so I just shortened it. Half a mark? I'll take it, then." She sets the book down and reaches into her pocket, presenting L'ren with the money.

Kai steps in quietly, looking around and smiling. Her lips part in an expression of awe and delight. She almost bumps into someone, not paying attention to where her feet are taking her, but soon she is in among the stacks, looking at all the amazing books.

L'ren shakes his head, "Nah, my parents were never much good at it. My younger brother was /Onamar/, what is that?" He's really liking the 'what is that' line today for some reason. "Borren's a good one though, I think. Bolia, L'ren, Borren." Borren is at this point behind L'ren, mouthing 'No' and shaking his head. Aww, he doesn't like his name? Well, it does have a bit of a 'boring' ring to it. The greenrider shrugs a little, and turns back to take Chet's money. "Ah, thanks, let me just write you out a reciept. You'll need to check it at the counter by the door, we get some rare books in so we're careful on security… Not that I think anyone /would/ steal anything." he shakes his head as he fishes for a pen and paper in his pockets, writing out a hasty note of purchase and handing it to Chet. L'ren is very trusting, however Borren is more concerned. They make a good team, really.

Ysa has yet to actually go and browse the books, now entirely focused on eating all of L'ren's food. She's slowing down, though, thankfully, and offers the arriving M'iken a wave. "I thought my name was too long, as well. Thankfully cut it down easily 'nough, too. But I'd hate to give a kid too long of a name as well, unless it's a really pretty one." So Lyram it is, two short simple syllables. L'ren gets a rather surprised look, though. "That's bad? An' I like the name Borren," she assures the younger version of the greenrider, chuckling a bit at his reaction. "I really hate to think my son will one day say he doesn't like his name. Lyram's not bad, right?" Her green eyes travel to those she recently met before sighing and downing her water.

Kagora nods at Chet, "Ah, well, parents can be eccentric sometimes. My father makes things that explode, so how eccentric is that?" She giggles. Then she spots Kai, a fellow weaver, and tries discretely to catch the apprentice's eye. She turns to say to L'ren. "How much are these apprentice volumes each? I'm going to have to go up to Harpercraft tomorrow to make up the difference." She sighs. "How am I to teach apprentices who don't have any books?" She asks sternly.

Kai turns around and catches Kagora's little motion. She smiles and steps up to the Weaver Master, her hips swaying a bi as she walks. "Hello, Master Kagora!" she greets.

Serina steps into the shop and quietly shuts the door behind her. A glance around the shop makes her smile turn into a grin, and she begins to walk around the few people near the doorway to make her way to the books. Also, she doesn't to seem like she wasn't here the entire time, but darn those necklaces were pretty! Ooo, here is a book on herbs! So carefully it is picked up and flipped through, then put back with some reluctance. "Too bad I don't have any spare marks." She mutters to herself and moves to another shelf, looking at a book on animals.

M'iken waves to M'iken and tries to catch onto the conversation. "You've decided on Lyram as a name? I like it." She assures her friend and gathering up a small plate of food for herself. She catches onto a piece of another conversation about teaching apprentices and just can't help but add. "You could teach them through example. That's what my masters did." She pops a biscut in her mouth and shoots the woman a smile before bowing a head to Ysa slyly before going off to check out the books. There were a couple inparticular she was interested in reading.

The bluerider takes the receipt and tucks it underneath the book's front cover. "Aeskath will be quite pleased with this. In fact, I'd half expect him to ask me to read it aloud to him." She listens intently to the others' family names, a wide, knowing smile on her face. "Sounds like fun! And Borren, it's not so bad! I'm not sure if anyone has ever really liked the name their given. At least at some point." She gives a friendly wave to the newcomers as they enter, also taking the opportunity to take another bite from her pastry.

L'ren's eyes go wide at Kagora, and he steps back warily, as if /she/ might explode. "Er, that's pretty eccentric, yeah…" he notes, quickly excusing himself to go see to the other customers. M'iken gets a wave as he passes her, but he's headed for Serina at the moment. "Hi, may I help you? We also have a lending section." he points out cheerfully. He really isn't good at sitting still, is he?

Ysa smirks over at M'iken, head nodding quickly. "For a boy," she tells her, then runs her free hand through her hair, now absent of her glass of water. She tries to tame the mess a bit. "We have a few for girls, but 'm hoping it's a boy." In other words, it better be… because she's mostly settled on that idea. "So not bad? Okay…" she nods again, a bit more confident in the name. "Looks like your store is going to become really popular, L'ren," she calls after the greenrider with a chuckle as he goes to help another customer.

Kagora spots Serina. "Serina! Do come here for a moment." She calls to the apprentice. "Serina, they lend books as well as sell them. I'd like you to choose three. Two related to the craft, and one on any other subject that catches your interest." She turns to L'ren and whispers to the fellow rider, pointing to Serina and winking.

From afar, Kagora whispers to the rider. "Do you have a journal, a sketchbook preferably, that's suitable to an apprentice? Just a rudimentary one for her to take notes and draw designs in? She just came to us from the Hall and I'd like to give her a welcome present."

"Huh? What?" L'ren has caught Serina off guard and she grabs the shelf for support out of habit. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just looking, I really don't…" The sentence is left unfinished as Kagora notices her and with a warm smile, she excuses herself and makes her way to Kagora. "Three books? Um…" A glance around the room and a smile to the others there, faces she doesn't recognize, her tone indicating her hesitance in taking anything for loan due to the unpredictability when she'll be back. "If you say so ma'am." A courteous nod and she slinks off towards a shelf where she has noticed a book on the knitting patterns from around Pern. In this new place, she is still very shy and keeps her eyes averted from the other customers in the store.

Chet's expression changes, muttering an "Alright, fine" to a certain Blue, and begins to gather her purchase, and a couple of pastries for the road. "It seems that someone wants to go get started on the book now, so I guess I'm headed out. It was wonderful meeting all of y'all. I'm sure I'll see you around!" She approaches the door, but takes care to show Borren her receipt to humor him. "Bye!"

L'ren tilts his head thoughtfully at Kagora, then nods slowly. "I think so… Yes… Not part of our usual line, but, I think we have some…" he nods, then slips off into the crowd, finally returning with an A4-sized brown paper bag, with some sort of book inside. He does chuckle slightly, noting idly, "It's handy to have a transport rider for a sister, she's often in the area /anyway/, and she'll probably relish the collections, /particularly/ the overdue ones…" So, not being able to to get back to Ierne isn't such a big deal, then? Or maybe it's an even /bigger/ deal?

Kagora nods and says quietly to L'ren. "I'll arrange for her to bring the books back when Serina's done with them. She grew up in an isolated patch. I take care of all my apprentices, so I'd like it if I could get her off to a flying start if you know what I mean." Kagora nods to L'ren, her voice low.

Ysa waves after the Igen bluerider. "Nice meeting ya 'gain," she calls after Chet before turning back towards the food. She's finally satisfied, only picking up one more thing and a napkin so that she can start browsing the store. She makes sure not to bother L'ren while he is serving a customer, especially with a big order for a Weaver master.

Serina has carefully tucked the book of patterns under her arm after scanning its contents, then moves off to another shelf after noticing a book on weather and climate. A glance back towards Kagora and L'ren keeps her from returning to that part of the store for the time being. The weather patterns look interesting, so that is added to her collection under her arm. A low sqwak from within her jacket causes her to look down, then scratch the green head that pokes out. "Shush Felli, or we might get kicked out. I don't want any trouble." Not that it does much good, with the green eyes red with hunger. "Oh alright." A look over her shoulder towards the shopkeepers to notice if there is any anger, before her hand takes a meatroll from the snacks put out and offers it to the green. "There, now just be quiet and don't come out." The meatroll isn't enough, but it will have to suffice as she walks determinedly towards a shelf across the room where there is a picture of a weaving loom. Unfortunately, it is just a picture to illustrate the lives of women in history, so browsing continues. "Must find something else…" She mutters, scratching the firelizard's head to keep her quiet.

L'ren nods to Kagora, glancing over to Serina idly. "Anything to help, we're here to make books easier to access, for all of Pern." Mostly Ierne though, because Ierne is where the store is, convenience and all. And he's kind of the Weyrlord at the moment… "I hope the place does calm down a little, as it'll be left to Borren most of the time." he notes, with a frown, before heading back to the food, tilting his head at Ysa, "So, boy's name? What if it's a girl?" he asks, making conversation. Serina's firelizard is noted with a smile, and L'ren makes a point to say - to everyone, but while looking in Serina's direction - "The food is here for all, eat it up, it'll only go bad if it's not eaten."

Kai heads over to get some of the treats. She'll pick out a book after that.

Kagora whispers low to L'ren. "How much?" She indicates the bag. "I won't be able to bring more than ten of this one back with me." She indicates the apprentice text. "That's how much of a budget I got, but the bag comes out of my own coffers, soooo….." She calls over to Serina, in a voice that's quiet but carries. "Serina, when you're finished, be sure to get yourself something sweet from here." She spots Kai. "aaaaah, Kai, do you have a moment?" She asks the rider apprentice. "I've been asked to order some volumes for the apprentices, since you're an apprentice, I'd like you to help us bring the textbooks back to the hall."

Kai turns around when she hears Kagoras voice calling her name and she quickly pivots about. "Yes, Ma'am, certainly! Abeytuth and I can handle that," she says with a smile.

Ysa does not stray far from the food, cleaning her sticky fingers on the napkin as she eyes a few novels. "It will," she says towards L'ren and the his comment about the store calming down. "It's jus' your grand opening, people are bound to be curious." She turns around, grinning to him now. "It'll be a boy," she tells him with a stern nod. "But… well, there's always Raylea or, I did like the name ya told me last time, Amithea. Jus' in case. But Lyram's the one I was worried 'bout. Our names make good girl names." Serina's firelizard is also noted by the goldrider, but she doesn't smile at it. She'd rather ignore the fact that there was one of those in here, instead.

Serina turns on her heel as L'ren speaks about the food, a relieved look on her face that at least he isn't mad about it. Still, she is reluctant to go back to the food offerings just yet. Even with Kagora telling her to get something sweet. "I will ma'am." Though now her cheeks turn a bit pink and she resumes her browsing. Only when she has found a book about weaving different colors into one piece of cloth does she return to the food. "Thank you for the food sir." She has yet to open up from her mother's nagging about her respecting anyone she does not know. "I do like the name Amithea." She comments to Ysa as she reaches for another meatroll and lets her 'lizard have it, before taking a bubbly with a bit of red sticking out of the side. The green seems to be satisfied for now, and disappears back into the jacket to be fast asleep soon, only the bulge hinting at her presence.

Kai heads back to get some food, but silently warns her dragon to prepare for action.

L'ren tilts his head at the bag he'd got for Kagora, then shrugs. "Quarter mark?" he suggests, pulling the little pad of receipts out in preparation to write one out. He chuckles at Ysa, and shakes his head, "Oh, Bolia and I were sure Borren was going to be a girl," then he leans over adds in a hushed tone, checking first to make sure Borren was not in earshot, "I always think she was a little disappointed when he wasn't a she… But you didn't hear that from me!" he straightens up, and shakes his head. "I wouldn't start painting the nursery blue just yet." is his final bit of advice. And he grins at Serina, "See, Amithea is nice." he agrees. But of course he would, he came up with it.

Ysa glances over towards Borren when he was being discussed by the greenrider now. "Were ya two going to name her Borren, if it was a girl?" She chuckles a bit, shaking her head. "I won't be /that/ disappointed if it isn't a boy. We've got pretty neutral colors, anyways, for clothes an' things." She doesn't sound too worried about that. "Sure, Amithea it is. Amithea an' Lyram. I'll probably have another one in a few turns, anyways, so I'll make sure to save the names, 'less something else comes up." Not that she will be coming up with it. She gives the green one more look before the firelizard is cast from her mind completely, especially since it was going back into hiding anyways.

Kagora nods and slips the quarter mark to L'ren behind her back. She says, still in a low voice. "Lemme give it to its proper owner, then I'll gladly bargain with you for the text books." She gives L'ren a wink, then aherms. "Serina, I was wondering what you have so far in terms of apprentice equipment. Things are tight at the hall these days, but I'd like very much to make sure that every apprentice has what they need to get the job done." She has her back to L'ren, but is gesturing with her hand behind her for L'ren to hand her the bag.

Serina takes a bite out of the bubbly, licking the sticky juice off her lips before it dribbles down her chin. She wants to say something in response to the baby thing with Ysa, but finds she is called by Kagora instead. "Um, well…I only came to the hall with my clothes. My ma couldn't afford to let me have any of her knitting needles and I assumed I could use the equipment at the hall." This is stammered out and before she can make an even more fool of herself, the rest of the bubbly is popped into her mouth, making her look awkward with one cheek puffed out a bit from the large chunk of food. One book starts to slip from her grasp and she has to kneel to keep from losing all three to the floor. "Oh yeah, this is going to fun." This is whispered and only those closest to her might hear it. With the books rearranged under her arm, she erects herself again, the pink in her face turning to bright red. Sniff, poor girl to feel so humilated when she should be ecstatic to just be at Ierne.

L'ren chuckles, and shakes his head. "Ah, the name didn't come until after the baby, I'm afraid. Never thought of a girl's name, because I never needed one." he admits, with a shrug. "I suspect probably Lallia or something, similar mix of Borren - first two letters from one parent, last three from the other, doubled at the start…" he snorts, sounds suspiciously formulaic now he mentions it out loud. He shrugs, and slips Kagora the bag in one hand, and the hastily written receipt in the other.

Ysa grins at the greenrider again. "If R'miel wasn't so insistent on all the baby stuff now, I'd have left everything last minute. The kid would have been 'Boy' or 'Girl' for awhile, too." She shrugs both her shoulders helplessly and takes one more pastry before turning back to the greenrider. "At least both of your names worked really well. It's nice." As she fills her mouth with the snack, she turns a moment to scan the store again and the customers. Once she's able to talk ago, she turns back to the older man. "I'll see ya 'round, L'ren. I shouldn't keep ya too distracted an' I might as well make an appearance at work. It looks like you're going to be kept busy for awhile, anyways." With a wave, she heads out of the store.

Kagora presents Serina with the brown bag. "Well then, we'll have work to do. Ideally an apprentice should make their own equipment, but you need something to draw notes on wouldn't you?" She draws the basic, blank sketchbook, rather plain but perfect for a new apprentice to work with. "Like this for example?" She offers.

Serina blinks and looks confused as the bag is brought out from behind Kagora's back, and then a blank sketchbook taken out. "I…I would love to have a sketchbook, but I won't have the marks for one until next month." Yet her eyes look over the sketchbook with wonder, then reaches out to take it gingerly. "How..?" Nothing else comes, as her brow wrinkles in even more confusion, until something dawns on her and she brightens a bit. "Could you take it out of whatever I'll be paid for next month? I can at least draw a lot better than I can sew…I think." Not that she got much chance at home.

It's only everyonce in a while that the brownrider comes in to view as she's effectivly found her nose stuck in a book. Ironically though it's not a novel, it's a history book. Turn's out M'iken is the kind to be more interested in things that have actually happened than in ficticious lives. The reason it's ironic is because the brownrider is the type to make up stories about people's lives when she'd musing on them when talking with friends. "Huh, I just can't imagine what thread would be like." Especially since her dragon is a brown. He'd be very useful in the fighting if they'd lived around that time.

Kagora says sternly to Serina. "Serina, this was a drop out of my pocket. Apprentices from the Telgar back hills have come to the hall with more than you. You will take the book, no questions asked, and you will use it for your classes, and when we get home I will teach you over the coming weeks how to make knitting needles, and a basic loom to practice on. None of these will be very graceful, but they will be yours. You will be able to do much with a little, and that is important." She waits for the apprentice's response but eyes the bookseller L'ren and Borrin, needing to complete her bargaining quickly, but not about to leave her apprentice high and dry either.

L'ren sighs heavily at the time, and just … leaves. If he were any less busy, he might stop to chat to M'iken about her choice, it does look like he wants to as he hesitates, but ultimately, work calls. It's a hard choice, he really does like the history thing, that's half of his craft speciality! Borren is still here, hanging around, helping people with various things. He does note to M'iken, "Ah, good choice that one, don't let L'ren know you fancy the past though, he'll talk your ear off!" And then Borren moves over to do the bargaining with Kagora, settling on quite a reasonable price in the end. The store isn't about the money, not at all, it's about the /books/.

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